Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tea Regions --- Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya               

Nuwara Eliya offers a combination of attractions, such as healing climate, scenic beauty, wooded wilderness, flowery meadows and its highplateau. Nuwara Eliya is an oval shaped mountain valley, the plateau being 6,240 feet above the sea level.
Nuwara Eliya produces tea with an unique flavour. The air is scented with the fragrance of the cypress trees that grow in abundance and mentholated with the wild mint and eucalyptus. It is a combination of all these factors that produces a tea that is recognised by connoisseurs of tea in the world. The tea when brewed is light but has an exquisite flavour and aroma. It has truly been said that Nuwara Eliya is to Ceylon Tea what Champagne is to French Wine.

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