Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tea Regions --- Kandy


The plantations around Kandy, the ancient capital of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) , supply what are known as mid country teas. These are notable for full bodied strong tea, which appeal to everyone who likes a good thick coloury brew. The tea plantations are located from 2,000 to 4,000 feet and is the region where tea was first grown in Sri Lanka. Main sub districts:


A range of hills that extends to Nilambe, Kotmale and Gampola areas. The valley is protected from strong monsoon rains and the teas are darker and stronger in cup. Those plantations in Hewaheta, which experience weather changes associated with the South-West Monsoon winds, acquire a flavoury character during the eastern quality season.


Located on the edge of Kandy is Matale. a selection of coloury, strong teas could be had from this district throughout the year. The area encompases the Madulkelle, Knuckles and Rangala mountain range.

1 comment:

  1. The Kandy tea region, with its mid-country plantations, produces full-bodied and strong teas, appealing to those who enjoy a robust brew. The Pussallawa/Hewaheta hills offer darker and stronger teas, while Matale, on the edge of Kandy, delivers color-rich, robust teas throughout the year.
    Ceylon Tea
